Source code for tensorbay.sensor.sensor

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""SensorType, Sensor, Lidar, Radar, Camera, FisheyeCamera and Sensors.

:class:`SensorType` is an enumeration type. It includes 'LIDAR', 'RADAR', 'CAMERA' and

:class:`Sensor` defines the concept of sensor. It includes name, description, translation
and rotation.

A :class:`Sensor` class can be initialized by :meth:`Sensor.__init__()` or
:meth:`Sensor.loads()` method.

:class:`Lidar` defines the concept of lidar. It is a kind of sensor for measuring distances by
illuminating the target with laser light and measuring the reflection.

:class:`Radar` defines the concept of radar. It is a detection system that uses radio waves to
determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects.

:class:`Camera` defines the concept of camera. It includes name, description, translation,
rotation, cameraMatrix and distortionCoefficients.

:class:`FisheyeCamera` defines the concept of fisheye camera. It is an ultra wide-angle lens that
produces strong visual distortion intended to create a wide panoramic or hemispherical image.

:class:`Sensors` represent all the sensors in a :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.segment.FusionSegment`.


from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from ..geometry import Transform3D
from ..utility import (
from .intrinsics import CameraIntrinsics

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound="Sensor")

[docs]class SensorType(TypeEnum): """SensorType is an enumeration type. It includes 'LIDAR', 'RADAR', 'CAMERA' and 'FISHEYE_CAMERA'. Examples: >>> SensorType.CAMERA <SensorType.CAMERA: 'CAMERA'> >>> SensorType["CAMERA"] <SensorType.CAMERA: 'CAMERA'> >>> 'CAMERA' >>> SensorType.CAMERA.value 'CAMERA' """ LIDAR = "LIDAR" RADAR = "RADAR" CAMERA = "CAMERA" FISHEYE_CAMERA = "FISHEYE_CAMERA"
[docs]class Sensor(NameMixin, TypeMixin[SensorType]): """Sensor defines the concept of sensor. :class:`Sensor` includes name, description, translation and rotation. Arguments: name: :class:`Sensor`'s name. Raises: TypeError: Can not instantiate abstract class :class:`Sensor`. Attributes: extrinsics: The translation and rotation of the sensor. """ _Type = Union["Radar", "Lidar", "FisheyeCamera", "Camera"] _repr_type = ReprType.INSTANCE _repr_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = ("extrinsics",) _repr_maxlevel = 3 extrinsics: Transform3D def __new__( cls: Type[_T], name: str, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> _T: """Create a new instance of Sensor. Arguments: name: :class:`Sensor`'s name. Returns: A :class:`Sensor` instance containing the :class:`sensor`'s name. Raises: TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class :class:`Sensor`. """ if cls is Sensor: raise TypeError("Can't instantiate abstract class Sensor") obj: _T = object.__new__(cls) return obj def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: super().__init__(name) def _loads(self, contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: super()._loads(contents) extrinsics = contents.get("extrinsics") if extrinsics: self.extrinsics = Transform3D.loads(contents["extrinsics"])
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> "_Type": """Loads a Sensor from a dict containing the sensor information. Arguments: contents: A dict containing name, description and sensor extrinsics. Returns: A :class:`Sensor` instance containing the information from the contents dict. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "name": "Lidar1", ... "type": "LIDAR", ... "extrinsics": { ... "translation": {"x": 1.1, "y": 2.2, "z": 3.3}, ... "rotation": {"w": 1.1, "x": 2.2, "y": 3.3, "z": 4.4}, ... }, ... } >>> sensor = Sensor.loads(contents) >>> sensor Lidar("Lidar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), (rotation): quaternion(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4) ) ) """ sensor: "Sensor._Type" = common_loads(SensorType(contents["type"]).type, contents) return sensor
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps the sensor into a dict. Returns: A dict containing the information of the sensor. Examples: >>> # sensor is the object initialized from self.loads() method. >>> sensor.dumps() { 'name': 'Lidar1', 'type': 'LIDAR', 'extrinsics': {'translation': {'x': 1.1, 'y': 2.2, 'z': 3.3}, 'rotation': {'w': 1.1, 'x': 2.2, 'y': 3.3, 'z': 4.4} } } """ contents: Dict[str, Any] = super()._dumps() contents["type"] = self.enum.value if hasattr(self, "extrinsics"): contents["extrinsics"] = self.extrinsics.dumps() return contents
[docs] def set_extrinsics( self, translation: Iterable[float] = (0, 0, 0), rotation: Transform3D.RotationType = (1, 0, 0, 0), *, matrix: Optional[MatrixType] = None, ) -> None: """Set the extrinsics of the sensor. Arguments: translation: Translation parameters. rotation: Rotation in a sequence of [w, x, y, z] or numpy quaternion. matrix: A 3x4 or 4x4 transform matrix. Examples: >>> sensor.set_extrinsics(translation=translation, rotation=rotation) >>> sensor Lidar("Lidar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ) ) """ self.extrinsics = Transform3D(translation, rotation, matrix=matrix)
[docs] def set_translation(self, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None: """Set the translation of the sensor. Arguments: x: The x coordinate of the translation. y: The y coordinate of the translation. z: The z coordinate of the translation. Examples: >>> sensor.set_translation(x=2, y=3, z=4) >>> sensor Lidar("Lidar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(2, 3, 4), ... ) ) """ if not hasattr(self, "extrinsics"): self.extrinsics = Transform3D() self.extrinsics.set_translation(x, y, z)
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation: Transform3D.RotationType) -> None: """Set the rotation of the sensor. Arguments: rotation: Rotation in a sequence of [w, x, y, z] or numpy quaternion. Examples: >>> sensor.set_rotation([2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> sensor Lidar("Lidar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( ... (rotation): quaternion(2, 3, 4, 5) ) ) """ if not hasattr(self, "extrinsics"): self.extrinsics = Transform3D() self.extrinsics.set_rotation(rotation)
[docs]@TypeRegister(SensorType.LIDAR) class Lidar(Sensor): """Lidar defines the concept of lidar. :class:`Lidar` is a kind of sensor for measuring distances by illuminating the target with laser light and measuring the reflection. Examples: >>> lidar = Lidar("Lidar1") >>> lidar.set_extrinsics(translation=translation, rotation=rotation) >>> lidar Lidar("Lidar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ) ) """
[docs]@TypeRegister(SensorType.RADAR) class Radar(Sensor): """Radar defines the concept of radar. :class:`Radar` is a detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects. Examples: >>> radar = Radar("Radar1") >>> radar.set_extrinsics(translation=translation, rotation=rotation) >>> radar Radar("Radar1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ) ) """
[docs]@TypeRegister(SensorType.CAMERA) class Camera(Sensor): """Camera defines the concept of camera. :class:`Camera` includes name, description, translation, rotation, cameraMatrix and distortionCoefficients. Attributes: extrinsics: The translation and rotation of the camera. intrinsics: The camera matrix and distortion coefficients of the camera. Examples: >>> from tensorbay.geometry import Vector3D >>> from numpy import quaternion >>> camera = Camera('Camera1') >>> translation = Vector3D(1, 2, 3) >>> rotation = quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) >>> camera.set_extrinsics(translation=translation, rotation=rotation) >>> camera.set_camera_matrix(fx=1.1, fy=1.1, cx=1.1, cy=1.1) >>> camera.set_distortion_coefficients(p1=1.2, p2=1.2, k1=1.2, k2=1.2) >>> camera Camera("Camera1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ), (intrinsics): CameraIntrinsics( (camera_matrix): CameraMatrix( (fx): 1.1, (fy): 1.1, (cx): 1.1, (cy): 1.1, (skew): 0 ), (distortion_coefficients): DistortionCoefficients( (p1): 1.2, (p2): 1.2, (k1): 1.2, (k2): 1.2 ) ) ) """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="Camera") _repr_attrs = Sensor._repr_attrs + ("intrinsics",) intrinsics: CameraIntrinsics def _loads(self, contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: super()._loads(contents) intrinsics = contents.get("intrinsics") if intrinsics: self.intrinsics = CameraIntrinsics.loads(contents["intrinsics"])
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Loads a Camera from a dict containing the camera information. Arguments: contents: A dict containing name, description, extrinsics and intrinsics. Returns: A :class:`Camera` instance containing information from contents dict. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "name": "Camera1", ... "type": "CAMERA", ... "extrinsics": { ... "translation": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, ... "rotation": {"w": 1.0, "x": 2.0, "y": 3.0, "z": 4.0}, ... }, ... "intrinsics": { ... "cameraMatrix": {"fx": 1, "fy": 1, "cx": 1, "cy": 1, "skew": 0}, ... "distortionCoefficients": {"p1": 1, "p2": 1, "k1": 1, "k2": 1}, ... }, ... } >>> Camera.loads(contents) Camera("Camera1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ), (intrinsics): CameraIntrinsics( (camera_matrix): CameraMatrix( (fx): 1, (fy): 1, (cx): 1, (cy): 1, (skew): 0 ), (distortion_coefficients): DistortionCoefficients( (p1): 1, (p2): 1, (k1): 1, (k2): 1 ) ) ) """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps the camera into a dict. Returns: A dict containing name, description, extrinsics and intrinsics. Examples: >>> camera.dumps() { 'name': 'Camera1', 'type': 'CAMERA', 'extrinsics': { 'translation': {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, 'rotation': {'w': 1.0, 'x': 2.0, 'y': 3.0, 'z': 4.0} }, 'intrinsics': { 'cameraMatrix': {'fx': 1, 'fy': 1, 'cx': 1, 'cy': 1, 'skew': 0}, 'distortionCoefficients': {'p1': 1, 'p2': 1, 'k1': 1, 'k2': 1} } } """ contents = super().dumps() if hasattr(self, "intrinsics"): contents["intrinsics"] = self.intrinsics.dumps() return contents
[docs] def set_camera_matrix( # pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, invalid-name] self, fx: Optional[float] = None, fy: Optional[float] = None, cx: Optional[float] = None, cy: Optional[float] = None, skew: float = 0, *, matrix: Optional[MatrixType] = None, ) -> None: """Set camera matrix. Arguments: fx: The x axis focal length expressed in pixels. fy: The y axis focal length expressed in pixels. cx: The x coordinate of the so called principal point that should be in the center of the image. cy: The y coordinate of the so called principal point that should be in the center of the image. skew: It causes shear distortion in the projected image. matrix: Camera matrix in 3x3 sequence. Examples: >>> camera.set_camera_matrix(fx=1.1, fy=2.2, cx=3.3, cy=4.4) >>> camera Camera("Camera1")( ... (intrinsics): CameraIntrinsics( (camera_matrix): CameraMatrix( (fx): 1.1, (fy): 2.2, (cx): 3.3, (cy): 4.4, (skew): 0 ), ... ) ) ) """ if not hasattr(self, "intrinsics"): self.intrinsics = CameraIntrinsics(fx, fy, cx, cy, skew, camera_matrix=matrix) return self.intrinsics.set_camera_matrix(fx, fy, cx, cy, skew, matrix=matrix)
[docs] def set_distortion_coefficients(self, **kwargs: float) -> None: """Set distortion coefficients. Arguments: **kwargs: Float values to set distortion coefficients. Raises: ValueError: When intrinsics is not set yet. Examples: >>> camera.set_distortion_coefficients(p1=1.1, p2=2.2, k1=3.3, k2=4.4) >>> camera Camera("Camera1")( ... (intrinsics): CameraIntrinsics( ... (distortion_coefficients): DistortionCoefficients( (p1): 1.1, (p2): 2.2, (k1): 3.3, (k2): 4.4 ) ) ) """ if not hasattr(self, "intrinsics"): raise ValueError("Camera matrix of camera intrinsics must be set first.") self.intrinsics.set_distortion_coefficients(**kwargs)
[docs]@TypeRegister(SensorType.FISHEYE_CAMERA) class FisheyeCamera(Camera): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """FisheyeCamera defines the concept of fisheye camera. Fisheye camera is an ultra wide-angle lens that produces strong visual distortion intended to create a wide panoramic or hemispherical image. Examples: >>> fisheye_camera = FisheyeCamera("FisheyeCamera1") >>> fisheye_camera.set_extrinsics(translation=translation, rotation=rotation) >>> fisheye_camera FisheyeCamera("FisheyeCamera1")( (extrinsics): Transform3D( (translation): Vector3D(1, 2, 3), (rotation): quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) ) ) """
[docs]class Sensors(SortedNameList[Sensor._Type]): # pylint: disable=protected-access """This class represents all sensors in a :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.segment.FusionSegment`.""" _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="Sensors") def _loads(self, contents: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: self._data = [] self._names = [] for sensor_info in contents: self.add(Sensor.loads(sensor_info))
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> _T: """Loads a :class:`Sensors` instance from the given contents. Arguments: contents: A list of dict containing the sensors information in a fusion segment, whose format should be like:: [ { "name": <str> "type": <str> "extrinsics": { "translation": { "x": <float> "y": <float> "z": <float> }, "rotation": { "w": <float> "x": <float> "y": <float> "z": <float> }, }, "intrinsics": { --- only for cameras "cameraMatrix": { "fx": <float> "fy": <float> "cx": <float> "cy": <float> "skew": <float> } "distortionCoefficients": { "k1": <float> "k2": <float> "p1": <float> "p2": <float> ... } }, "desctiption": <str> }, ... ] Returns: The loaded :class:`Sensors` instance. """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the information of all the sensors. Returns: A list of dict containing the information of all sensors:: [ { "name": <str> "type": <str> "extrinsics": { "translation": { "x": <float> "y": <float> "z": <float> }, "rotation": { "w": <float> "x": <float> "y": <float> "z": <float> }, }, "intrinsics": { --- only for cameras "cameraMatrix": { "fx": <float> "fy": <float> "cx": <float> "cy": <float> "skew": <float> } "distortionCoefficients": { "k1": <float> "k2": <float> "p1": <float> "p2": <float> ... } }, "desctiption": <str> }, ... ] """ return [sensor.dumps() for sensor in self._data]