Shell Completion#

The completion of CLI is supported by the completion of click, see details in v7.x and v8.x click documentations.

CLI provides tab completion support for Bash (version not lower than 4.4), Zsh, and Fish. It is possible to add support for other shells too.

Shell completion suggests command names and option names. Options are only listed if at least a dash has been entered.

Here is an example of completion:

$ gas <TAB><TAB>
auth     -- Authenticate the accessKey of gas.
branch   -- List, create or delete branches.
commit   -- Commit drafts.
config   -- Configure the options when using gas CLI.
cp       -- Copy local data to a remote path.
dataset  -- List, create or delete datasets.
draft    -- List or create drafts.
log      -- Show commit logs.
ls       -- List data under the path.
rm       -- Remove the remote data.
tag      -- List, create or delete tags.
$ gas auth -<TAB><TAB>
--get    -g  -- Get the accesskey of the profile
--status -s  -- Get the user info and accesskey of the profile
--unset  -u  -- Unset the accesskey of the profile
--all    -a  -- All the auth info
--help       -- Show this message and exit.


The result may differ with different versions of click or shell.


Completion is only available if tensorbay is installed and invoked through gas, not through the python command.

In order for completion to be used, the user needs to register a special function with their shell. The script is different for every shell. The built-in shells are bash, zsh, and fish. The following instructions will lead user to configure the completion:

Before configuring completion, the user needs to check the version of click:

$ pip show click

Activation for Click 7.x#

For Bash:

Add this to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_GAS_COMPLETE=source_bash gas)"
For Zsh:

Add this to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_GAS_COMPLETE=source_zsh gas)"
For Fish:

Add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/

eval (env _GAS_COMPLETE=source_fish gas)

Activation for Click 8.x#

For Bash:

Add this to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_GAS_COMPLETE=bash_source gas)"
For Zsh:

Add this to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_GAS_COMPLETE=zsh_source gas)"
For Fish:

Add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/

eval (env _GAS_COMPLETE=fish_source gas)

Activation Script#

Using eval means that the command is invoked and evaluated every time a shell is started, which can delay shell responsiveness. Using activation script is faster than using eval: write the generated script to a file, then source that.

Activation Script for Click 7.x#

For Bash:

Save the script somewhere.

_GAS_COMPLETE=source_bash gas > ~/.gas-complete.bash

Source the file in ~/.bashrc.

. ~/.gas-complete.bash
For Zsh:

Save the script somewhere.

_GAS_COMPLETE=source_zsh gas > ~/.gas-complete.zsh

Source the file in ~/.zshrc.

. ~/.gas-complete.zsh
For Fish:

Add the file to the completions directory:

_GAS_COMPLETE=source_fish gas > ~/.config/fish/completions/

Activation Script for Click 8.x#

For Bash:

Save the script somewhere.

_GAS_COMPLETE=bash_source gas > ~/.gas-complete.bash

Source the file in ~/.bashrc.

. ~/.gas-complete.bash
For Zsh:

Save the script somewhere.

_GAS_COMPLETE=zsh_source gas > ~/.gas-complete.zsh

Source the file in ~/.zshrc.

. ~/.gas-complete.zsh
For Fish:

Save the script to ~/.config/fish/completions/

_GAS_COMPLETE=fish_source gas > ~/.config/fish/completions/


After modifying the shell config, the user needs to start a new shell or source the modified files in order for the changes to be loaded.