************** PanopticMask ************** PanopticMask is a type of label which is usually used for panoptic segmentation task. In TensorBay, the structure of PanopticMask label is unified as follows:: { "localPath": "info": [ { "instanceId": "categoryId": "attributes": { : ... ... } } ... ... ], } ``local_path`` is the storage path of the mask image. TensorBay only supports single-channel, gray-scale png images. If the number of categories exceeds 256, the color depth of this image should be 16 bits, otherwise it is 8 bits. The gray-scale value of the pixel corresponds to the category id of the ``categories`` within the :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMaskSubcatalog`. Each data can only be assigned with one :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMask` label. To create a :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMask` label: >>> from tensorbay.label import PanopticMask >>> panoptic_mask_label = PanopticMask(local_path="/panoptic_mask/mask_image.png") >>> panoptic_mask_label.all_category_ids = {1: 2, 2: 2} >>> panoptic_mask_label PanopticMask("/panoptic_mask/mask_image.png")( (all_category_ids): { 1: 2, 2: 2 } ) .. note:: In :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMask`, the key and value of `all_category_ids` are instance id and category id, respectively, which both should be integers. PanopticMask.all_attributes =========================== `all_attributes` is a dictionary that stores attributes for each instance. Each attribute is stored in key-value pairs. See :ref:`reference/label_format/CommonLabelProperties:attributes` for details. To create `all_attributes`: >>> panoptic_mask_label.all_attributes = {1: {"occluded": True}, 2: {"occluded": True}} >>> panoptic_mask_label PanopticMask("/panoptic_mask/mask_image.png")( (all_category_ids): { 1: 2, 2: 2 }, (all_attributes): { 1: { 'occluded': True }, 2: { 'occluded': True } } ) .. note:: In :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMask`, the key of `all_attributes` is instance id which should be integer. PanopticMaskSubcatalog ====================== Before adding the PanopticMask labels to data, :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMaskSubcatalog` should be defined. :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMaskSubcatalog` has mask categories and attributes, see :ref:`reference/label_format/CommonSubcatalogProperties:mask category information` and :ref:`reference/label_format/CommonSubcatalogProperties:attributes information` for details. The catalog with only PanopticMask subcatalog is typically stored in a json file as follows:: { "PANOPTIC_MASK": { * "description": ! -- Subcatalog description, (default: ""). "categoryDelimiter": -- The delimiter in category names indicating subcategories. Recommended delimiter is ".". There is no "categoryDelimiter" field by default which means the category is of one level. "categories": [ * -- Category list, which contains all category information. { "name": * -- Category name. "categoryId": * -- Category id. "description": ! -- Category description, (default: ""). }, ... ... ], "attributes": [ -- Attribute list, which contains all attribute information. { "name": * -- Attribute name. "enum": [...], -- All possible options for the attribute. "type": -- Type of the attribute including "boolean", "integer", "number", "string", "array" and "null". And it is not required when "enum" is provided. "minimum": -- Minimum value of the attribute when type is "number". "maximum": -- Maximum value of the attribute when type is "number". "items": { -- Used only if the attribute type is "array". "enum": [...], -- All possible options for elements in the attribute array. "type": -- Type of elements in the attribute array. "minimum": -- Minimum value of elements in the attribute array when type is "number". "maximum": -- Maximum value of elements in the attribute array when type is "number". }, "parentCategories": [...], -- Indicates the category to which the attribute belongs. Do not add this field if it is a global attribute. "description": ! -- Attribute description, (default: ""). }, ... ... ] } } .. note:: ``*`` indicates that the field is required. ``!`` indicates that the field has a default value. To add a :class:`~tensorbay.label.label_mask.PanopticMask` label to one data: >>> from tensorbay.dataset import Data >>> data = Data("local_path") >>> data.label.panoptic_mask = panoptic_mask_label .. note:: One data can only have one PanopticMask label, See :attr:`Data.label.panoptic_mask` for details.