################### Leeds Sports Pose ################### This topic describes how to manage the `Leeds Sports Pose Dataset `_, which is a dataset with :doc:`/reference/label_format/Keypoints2D` label(:numref:`Fig. %s `). .. _example-leedssportspose: .. figure:: /images/example-Keypoints2D.png :scale: 80 % :align: center The preview of an image with labels from "Leeds Sports Pose". ***************************** Authorize a Client Instance ***************************** An :ref:`reference/glossary:accesskey` is needed to authenticate identity when using TensorBay. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Authorize a Client Instance""" :end-before: """""" **************** Create Dataset **************** .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Create Dataset""" :end-before: """""" ****************** Organize Dataset ****************** Normally, ``dataloader.py`` and ``catalog.json`` are required to organize the "Leeds Sports Pose" dataset into the :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance. In this example, they are stored in the same directory like:: Leeds Sports Pose/ catalog.json dataloader.py Step 1: Write the Catalog ========================= A :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:catalog` contains all label information of one dataset, which is typically stored in a json file like ``catalog.json``. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tensorbay/opendataset/LeedsSportsPose/catalog.json :language: json :name: LeedsSportsPose-catalog :linenos: The only annotation type for "Leeds Sports Pose" is :doc:`/reference/label_format/Keypoints2D`. .. note:: By passing the path of the ``catalog.json``, :func:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.DatasetBase.load_catalog` supports loading the catalog into dataset. .. important:: See :ref:`catalog table ` for more catalogs with different label types. Step 2: Write the Dataloader ============================ A :ref:`reference/glossary:dataloader` is needed to organize the dataset into a :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tensorbay/opendataset/LeedsSportsPose/loader.py :language: python :name: LeedsSportsPose-dataloader :linenos: See :doc:`Keipoints2D annotation ` for more details. There are already a number of dataloaders in TensorBay SDK provided by the community. Thus, instead of writing, importing an available dataloader is also feasible. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Organize dataset / import dataloader""" :end-before: """""" .. note:: Note that catalogs are automatically loaded in available dataloaders, users do not have to write them again. .. important:: See :ref:`dataloader table ` for dataloaders with different label types. ******************* Visualize Dataset ******************* Optionally, the organized dataset can be visualized by **Pharos**, which is a TensorBay SDK plug-in. This step can help users to check whether the dataset is correctly organized. Please see :doc:`/features/visualization` for more details. **************** Upload Dataset **************** The organized "BSTLD" dataset can be uploaded to TensorBay for sharing, reuse, etc. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Upload Dataset""" :end-before: """""" Similar with Git, the commit step after uploading can record changes to the dataset as a version. If needed, do the modifications and commit again. Please see :doc:`/features/version_control/index` for more details. ************** Read Dataset ************** Now "Leeds Sports Pose" dataset can be read from TensorBay. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Read Dataset / get dataset""" :end-before: """""" In :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:dataset` "Leeds Sports Pose", there is one :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:segment` named ``default``. Get it by passing the segment name or the index. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Read Dataset / get segment""" :end-before: """""" In the default :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:segment`, there is a sequence of :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:data`, which can be obtained by index. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Read Dataset / get data""" :end-before: """""" In each :ref:`reference/dataset_structure:data`, there is a sequence of :doc:`/reference/label_format/Keypoints2D` annotations, which can be obtained by index. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Read Dataset / get label""" :end-before: """""" There is only one label type in "Leeds Sports Pose" dataset, which is ``keypoints2d``. The information stored in ``x`` (``y``) is the x (y) coordinate of one keypoint of one keypoints list. The information stored in ``v`` is the visible status of one keypoint of one keypoints list. See :doc:`/reference/label_format/Keypoints2D` label format for more details. **************** Delete Dataset **************** .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docs/code/LeedsSportsPose.py :language: python :start-after: """Delete Dataset""" :end-before: """"""