############### PaddlePaddle ############### This topic describes how to integrate TensorBay dataset with PaddlePaddle Pipeline using the `DogsVsCats Dataset `_ as an example. The typical method to integrate TensorBay dataset with PaddlePaddle is to build a "Segment" class derived from ``paddle.io.Dataset``. .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/use_dataset_in_paddlepaddle.py :language: python :start-after: """Build a Segment class""" :end-before: # """""" Using the following code to create a PaddlePaddle dataloader and run it: .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/use_dataset_in_paddlepaddle.py :language: python :start-after: """Build a dataloader and run it""" :end-before: """"""