############### Visualization ############### **Pharos** is a plug-in of TensorBay SDK used for local visualization. After finishing the :ref:`dataset organization `, users can visualize the organized :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance locally using **Pharos**. The visualization result can help users to check whether the dataset is correctly organized. *************** Install Pharos *************** To install **Pharos** by **pip**, run the following command: .. code:: console $ pip3 install pharos ************** Pharos Usage ************** Organize a Dataset ================== Take the :ref:`BSTLD ` as an example: .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/pharos.py :language: python :start-after: """Organize a Dataset""" :end-before: """""" Visualize the Dataset ===================== .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/pharos.py :language: python :start-after: """Visualize The Dataset""" :end-before: """""" Open the returned URL to see the visualization result. .. _visualization result: .. figure:: /images/visualization.jpg :align: center The visualized result of the BSTLD dataset. .. note:: By default, a pharos server runs locally at ```` and is accessible only from localhost. To change the default setting, the following arguments in ``visualize()`` can be set: * ``port``: the port the server runs in * ``host``: the host ip to listen on Visualize the Dataset on Remote Server ====================================== Pharos supports accessing the server remotely via a web browser by setting ``host`` to ``""``. Then open ``http://{external IP}:{port}`` in the local browser to get the page. The ``external IP`` is external ip of the server which pharos runs on. .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/pharos.py :language: python :start-after: """Visualize The Dataset On Remote Server""" :end-before: """"""