####################### Request Configuration ####################### This topic introduces the currently supported :class:`~tensorbay.client.requests.Config` options(:numref:`Table. %s `) for customizing request. Note that the default settings can satisfy most use cases. .. _request_config_table: .. table:: Requests Configuration Tables :widths: auto ===================== ====================================================================================== Variables Description ===================== ====================================================================================== max_retries | The number of maximum retry times of the request. | If the request method is one of the allowed_retry_methods | and the response status is one of the allowed_retry_status, | then the request can auto-retry `max_retries` times. | Scenario: Enlarge it when under poor network quality. | Default: 3 times. allowed_retry_methods | The allowed methods for retrying request. | Default: ["HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT"] allowed_retry_status | The allowed status for retrying request. | Default: [429, 500, 502, 503, 504] timeout | The number of seconds before the request times out. | Scenario: Enlarge it when under poor network quality. | Default: 30 seconds. is_internal | Whether the request is from internal or not. | Scenario: Set it to True for quicker network speed when datasets | and cloud servers are in the same region. | See :doc:`/advanced_features/use_internal_endpoint` for details. | Default: False ===================== ====================================================================================== Usage ===== .. literalinclude:: ../../../docs/code/request_configuration.py :language: python :start-after: """Example of request config""" :end-before: """"""