Source code for tensorbay.geometry.point_list

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""The implementation of lists of the TensorBay 2D point."""

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar

from import Box2D
from tensorbay.geometry.vector import Vector2D
from tensorbay.utility import UserMutableSequence, common_loads

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Vector2D)

[docs]class PointList2D(UserMutableSequence[_T]): """This class defines the concept of PointList2D. :class:`PointList2D` contains a list of 2D points. Arguments: points: A list of 2D points. """ _P = TypeVar("_P", bound="PointList2D[_T]") _ElementType: Type[_T] def __init__( self, points: Optional[Iterable[Iterable[float]]] = None, ) -> None: self._data = [self._ElementType(*point) for point in points] if points else [] def _loads(self, contents: Sequence[Mapping[str, float]]) -> None: self._data = [] for point in contents: self._data.append(self._ElementType.loads(point))
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_P], contents: Sequence[Mapping[str, float]]) -> _P: """Load a :class:`PointList2D` from a list of dictionaries. Arguments: contents: A list of dictionaries containing the coordinates of the vertexes of the point list:: [ { "x": ... "y": ... }, ... ] Returns: The loaded :class:`PointList2D` object. """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Dumps a :class:`PointList2D` into a point list. Returns: A list of dictionaries containing the coordinates of the vertexes of the polygon within the point list. """ return [point.dumps() for point in self._data]
[docs] def bounds(self) -> Box2D: """Calculate the bounds of point list. Returns: The bounds of point list. """ x_min = x_max = self._data[0].x y_min = y_max = self._data[0].y for point in self._data: if point.x < x_min: x_min = point.x elif point.x > x_max: x_max = point.x if point.y < y_min: y_min = point.y elif point.y > y_max: y_max = point.y return Box2D(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
_L = TypeVar("_L", bound=PointList2D[Any])
[docs]class MultiPointList2D(UserMutableSequence[_L]): """This class defines the concept of MultiPointList2D. :class:`MultiPointList2D` contains multiple 2D point lists. Arguments: point_lists: A list of 2D point list. """ _P = TypeVar("_P", bound="MultiPointList2D[_L]") _ElementType: Type[_L] def __init__(self, point_lists: Optional[Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[float]]]] = None) -> None: self._data = ( [self._ElementType(point_list) for point_list in point_lists] if point_lists else [] ) def _loads(self, contents: Sequence[Sequence[Mapping[str, float]]]) -> None: self._data = [self._ElementType.loads(point_list) for point_list in contents] def _dumps(self) -> List[List[Dict[str, float]]]: return [point_list.dumps() for point_list in self._data]
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_P], contents: Sequence[Sequence[Mapping[str, float]]]) -> _P: """Loads a :class:`MultiPointList2D` from the given contents. Arguments: contents: A list of dictionary lists containing the coordinates of the vertexes of the multiple point lists:: [ [ { "x": ... "y": ... }, ... ] ... ] Returns: The loaded :class:`MultiPointList2D` object. """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> List[List[Dict[str, float]]]: """Dumps all the information of the :class:`MultiPointList2D`. Returns: All the information of the :class:`MultiPointList2D`. """ return self._dumps()
[docs] def bounds(self) -> Box2D: """Calculate the bounds of multiple point lists. Returns: The bounds of multiple point lists. """ x_min = x_max = self._data[0][0].x y_min = y_max = self._data[0][0].y for points in self._data: box = points.bounds() if box.xmin < x_min: x_min = box.xmin elif box.xmax > x_max: x_max = box.xmax if box.ymin < y_min: y_min = box.ymin elif box.ymax > y_max: y_max = box.ymax return Box2D(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)