Neolix OD

This topic describes how to manage the Neolix OD dataset, which is a dataset with Box3D label type (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2 The preview of a point cloud from “Neolix OD” with Box3D labels.

Authorize a Client Instance

An accesskey is needed to authenticate identity when using TensorBay.

from tensorbay import GAS

ACCESS_KEY = "Accesskey-*****"

Create Dataset


Organize Dataset

Normally, and catalog.json are required to organize the “Neolix OD” dataset into the Dataset instance. In this example, they are stored in the same directory like:

Neolix OD/

Step 1: Write the Catalog

A Catalog contains all label information of one dataset, which is typically stored in a json file like catalog.json.

 2    "BOX3D": {
 3        "categories": [
 4            { "name": "Adult" },
 5            { "name": "Animal" },
 6            { "name": "Barrier" },
 7            { "name": "Bicycle" },
 8            { "name": "Bicycles" },
 9            { "name": "Bus" },
10            { "name": "Car" },
11            { "name": "Child" },
12            { "name": "Cyclist" },
13            { "name": "Motorcycle" },
14            { "name": "Motorcyclist" },
15            { "name": "Trailer" },
16            { "name": "Tricycle" },
17            { "name": "Truck" },
18            { "name": "Unknown" }
19        ],
20        "attributes": [
21            {
22                "name": "Alpha",
23                "type": "number",
24                "description": "Angle of view"
25            },
26            {
27                "name": "Occlusion",
28                "enum": [0, 1, 2],
29                "description": "It indicates the degree of occlusion of objects by other obstacles"
30            },
31            {
32                "name": "Truncation",
33                "type": "boolean",
34                "description": "It indicates whether the object is truncated by the edge of the image"
35            }
36        ]
37    }

The only annotation type for “Neolix OD” is Box3D, and there are 15 category types and 3 attributes types.


By passing the path of the catalog.json, load_catalog() supports loading the catalog into dataset.


See catalog table for more catalogs with different label types.

Step 2: Write the Dataloader

A dataloader is needed to organize the dataset into a Dataset instance.

 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
 3# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.
 5# pylint: disable=invalid-name
 6# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
 8import os
10from quaternion import from_rotation_vector
12from tensorbay.dataset import Data, Dataset
13from tensorbay.label import LabeledBox3D
14from tensorbay.opendataset._utility import glob
19def NeolixOD(path: str) -> Dataset:
20    """`Neolix OD <\
21    /graviti-open-dataset/NeolixOD>`_ dataset.
23    The file structure should be like::
25        <path>
26            bins/
27                <id>.bin
28            labels/
29                <id>.txt
30            ...
32    Arguments:
33        path: The root directory of the dataset.
35    Returns:
36        Loaded :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance.
38    """
39    root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
41    dataset = Dataset(DATASET_NAME)
42    dataset.load_catalog(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "catalog.json"))
43    segment = dataset.create_segment()
45    point_cloud_paths = glob(os.path.join(root_path, "bins", "*.bin"))
47    for point_cloud_path in point_cloud_paths:
48        data = Data(point_cloud_path)
49        data.label.box3d = []
51        point_cloud_id = os.path.basename(point_cloud_path)[:6]
52        label_path = os.path.join(root_path, "labels", f"{point_cloud_id}.txt")
54        with open(label_path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
55            for label_value_raw in fp:
56                label_value = label_value_raw.rstrip().split()
57                label = LabeledBox3D(
58                    size=[float(label_value[10]), float(label_value[9]), float(label_value[8])],
59                    translation=[
60                        float(label_value[11]),
61                        float(label_value[12]),
62                        float(label_value[13]) + 0.5 * float(label_value[8]),
63                    ],
64                    rotation=from_rotation_vector((0, 0, float(label_value[14]))),
65                    category=label_value[0],
66                    attributes={
67                        "Occlusion": int(label_value[1]),
68                        "Truncation": bool(int(label_value[2])),
69                        "Alpha": float(label_value[3]),
70                    },
71                )
72                data.label.box3d.append(label)
74        segment.append(data)
75    return dataset

See Box3D annotation for more details.

There are already a number of dataloaders in TensorBay SDK provided by the community. Thus, instead of writing, importing an available dataloader is also feasible.

from tensorbay.opendataset import NeolixOD

dataset = NeolixOD("path/to/dataset/directory")


Note that catalogs are automatically loaded in available dataloaders, users do not have to write them again.


See dataloader table for dataloaders with different label types.

Visualize Dataset

Optionally, the organized dataset can be visualized by Pharos, which is a TensorBay SDK plug-in. This step can help users to check whether the dataset is correctly organized. Please see Visualization for more details.

Upload Dataset

The organized “Neolix OD” dataset can be uploaded to tensorBay for sharing, reuse, etc.

dataset_client = gas.upload_dataset(dataset, jobs=8)
dataset_client.commit("initial commit")

Similar with Git, the commit step after uploading can record changes to the dataset as a version. If needed, do the modifications and commit again. Please see Version Control for more details.

Read Dataset

Now “Neolix OD” dataset can be read from TensorBay.

dataset = Dataset("NeolixOD", gas)

In dataset “Neolix OD”, there is only one segment: default. Get a segment by passing the required segment name or the index.

segment = dataset[0]

In the default segment, there is a sequence of data, which can be obtained by index.

data = segment[0]

In each data, there is a sequence of Box3D annotations,

label_box3d = data.label.box3d[0]
category = label_box3d.category
attributes = label_box3d.attributes

There is only one label type in “Neolix OD” dataset, which is box3d. The information stored in category is one of the category names in “categories” list of catalog.json. The information stored in attributes is one of the attributes in “attributes” list of catalog.json. See Box3D label format for more details.

Delete Dataset
