This topic describes how to manage the “CADC” dataset.

“CADC” is a fusion dataset with 8 sensors including 7 cameras and 1 lidar , and has Box3D type of labels on the point cloud data. (Fig. 11). See this page for more details about this dataset.


Fig. 11 The preview of a point cloud from “CADC” with Box3D labels.

Authorize a Client Instance

First of all, create a GAS client.

from tensorbay import GAS
from tensorbay.dataset import FusionDataset

ACCESS_KEY = "Accesskey-*****"

Create Fusion Dataset

Then, create a fusion dataset client by passing the fusion dataset name and is_fusion argument to the GAS client.

gas.create_dataset("CADC", is_fusion=True)

List Dataset Names

To check if you have created “CADC” fusion dataset, you can list all your available datasets. See this page for details.

The datasets listed here include both datasets and fusion datasets.


Organize Fusion Dataset

Now we describe how to organize the “CADC” fusion dataset by the FusionDataset instance before uploading it to TensorBay. It takes the following steps to organize “CADC”.

Write the Catalog

The first step is to write the catalog. Catalog is a json file contains all label information of one dataset. See this page for more details. The only annotation type for “CADC” is Box3D, and there are 10 category types and 9 attributes types.

 2    "BOX3D": {
 3        "isTracking": true,
 4        "categories": [
 5            { "name": "Animal" },
 6            { "name": "Bicycle" },
 7            { "name": "Bus" },
 8            { "name": "Car" },
 9            { "name": "Garbage_Container_on_Wheels" },
10            { "name": "Pedestrian" },
11            { "name": "Pedestrian_With_Object" },
12            { "name": "Traffic_Guidance_Objects" },
13            { "name": "Truck" },
14            { "name": "Horse and Buggy" }
15        ],
16        "attributes": [
17            {
18                "name": "stationary",
19                "type": "boolean"
20            },
21            {
22                "name": "camera_used",
23                "enum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, null]
24            },
25            {
26                "name": "state",
27                "enum": ["Moving", "Parked", "Stopped"],
28                "parentCategories": ["Car", "Truck", "Bus", "Bicycle", "Horse_and_Buggy"]
29            },
30            {
31                "name": "truck_type",
32                "enum": [
33                    "Construction_Truck",
34                    "Emergency_Truck",
35                    "Garbage_Truck",
36                    "Pickup_Truck",
37                    "Semi_Truck",
38                    "Snowplow_Truck"
39                ],
40                "parentCategories": ["Truck"]
41            },
42            {
43                "name": "bus_type",
44                "enum": ["Coach_Bus", "Transit_Bus", "Standard_School_Bus", "Van_School_Bus"],
45                "parentCategories": ["Bus"]
46            },
47            {
48                "name": "age",
49                "enum": ["Adult", "Child"],
50                "parentCategories": ["Pedestrian", "Pedestrian_With_Object"]
51            },
52            {
53                "name": "traffic_guidance_type",
54                "enum": ["Permanent", "Moveable"],
55                "parentCategories": ["Traffic_Guidance_Objects"]
56            },
57            {
58                "name": "rider_state",
59                "enum": ["With_Rider", "Without_Rider"],
60                "parentCategories": ["Bicycle"]
61            },
62            {
63                "name": "points_count",
64                "type": "integer",
65                "minimum": 0
66            }
67        ]
68    }


The annotations for “CADC” have tracking information, hence the value of isTracking should be set as True.

Write the Dataloader

The second step is to write the dataloader. The dataloader function of “CADC” is to manage all the files and annotations of “CADC” into a FusionDataset instance. The code block below displays the “CADC” dataloader.

  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  3# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.
  5# pylint: disable=invalid-name
  6# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
  8import json
  9import os
 10from datetime import datetime
 11from typing import Any, Dict, List
 13import quaternion
 15from tensorbay.dataset import Data, Frame, FusionDataset
 16from tensorbay.exception import ModuleImportError
 17from tensorbay.label import LabeledBox3D
 18from tensorbay.opendataset._utility import glob
 19from tensorbay.sensor import Camera, Lidar, Sensors
 24def CADC(path: str) -> FusionDataset:
 25    """`CADC <>`_ dataset.
 27    The file structure should be like::
 29        <path>
 30            2018_03_06/
 31                0001/
 32                    3d_ann.json
 33                    labeled/
 34                        image_00/
 35                            data/
 36                                0000000000.png
 37                                0000000001.png
 38                                ...
 39                            timestamps.txt
 40                        ...
 41                        image_07/
 42                            data/
 43                            timestamps.txt
 44                        lidar_points/
 45                            data/
 46                            timestamps.txt
 47                        novatel/
 48                            data/
 49                            dataformat.txt
 50                            timestamps.txt
 51                ...
 52                0018/
 53                calib/
 54                    00.yaml
 55                    01.yaml
 56                    02.yaml
 57                    03.yaml
 58                    04.yaml
 59                    05.yaml
 60                    06.yaml
 61                    07.yaml
 62                    extrinsics.yaml
 63                    README.txt
 64            2018_03_07/
 65            2019_02_27/
 67    Arguments:
 68        path: The root directory of the dataset.
 70    Returns:
 71        Loaded `~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.FusionDataset` instance.
 73    """
 74    root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
 76    dataset = FusionDataset(DATASET_NAME)
 77    dataset.notes.is_continuous = True
 78    dataset.load_catalog(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "catalog.json"))
 80    for date in os.listdir(root_path):
 81        date_path = os.path.join(root_path, date)
 82        sensors = _load_sensors(os.path.join(date_path, "calib"))
 83        for index in os.listdir(date_path):
 84            if index == "calib":
 85                continue
 87            segment = dataset.create_segment(f"{date}-{index}")
 88            segment.sensors = sensors
 89            segment_path = os.path.join(root_path, date, index)
 90            data_path = os.path.join(segment_path, "labeled")
 92            with open(os.path.join(segment_path, "3d_ann.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
 93                # The first line of the json file is the json body.
 94                annotations = json.loads(fp.readline())
 95            timestamps = _load_timestamps(sensors, data_path)
 96            for frame_index, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
 97                segment.append(_load_frame(sensors, data_path, frame_index, annotation, timestamps))
 99    return dataset
102def _load_timestamps(sensors: Sensors, data_path: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
103    timestamps = {}
104    for sensor_name in sensors.keys():
105        data_folder = f"image_{sensor_name[-2:]}" if sensor_name != "LIDAR" else "lidar_points"
106        timestamp_file = os.path.join(data_path, data_folder, "timestamps.txt")
107        with open(timestamp_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
108            timestamps[sensor_name] = fp.readlines()
110    return timestamps
113def _load_frame(
114    sensors: Sensors,
115    data_path: str,
116    frame_index: int,
117    annotation: Dict[str, Any],
118    timestamps: Dict[str, List[str]],
119) -> Frame:
120    frame = Frame()
121    for sensor_name in sensors.keys():
122        # The data file name is a string of length 10 with each digit being a number:
123        # 0000000000.jpg
124        # 0000000001.bin
125        data_file_name = f"{frame_index:010}"
127        # Each line of the timestamps file looks like:
128        # 2018-03-06 15:02:33.000000000
129        timestamp = datetime.strptime(
130            timestamps[sensor_name][frame_index][:23], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
131        ).timestamp()
132        if sensor_name != "LIDAR":
133            # The image folder corresponds to different cameras, whose name is likes "CAM00".
134            # The image folder looks like "image_00".
135            camera_folder = f"image_{sensor_name[-2:]}"
136            image_file = f"{data_file_name}.png"
138            data = Data(
139                os.path.join(data_path, camera_folder, "data", image_file),
140                target_remote_path=f"{camera_folder}-{image_file}",
141                timestamp=timestamp,
142            )
143        else:
144            data = Data(
145                os.path.join(data_path, "lidar_points", "data", f"{data_file_name}.bin"),
146                timestamp=timestamp,
147            )
148            data.label.box3d = _load_labels(annotation["cuboids"])
150        frame[sensor_name] = data
151    return frame
154def _load_labels(boxes: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[LabeledBox3D]:
155    labels = []
156    for box in boxes:
157        dimension = box["dimensions"]
158        position = box["position"]
160        attributes = box["attributes"]
161        attributes["stationary"] = box["stationary"]
162        attributes["camera_used"] = box["camera_used"]
163        attributes["points_count"] = box["points_count"]
165        label = LabeledBox3D(
166            size=(
167                dimension["y"],  # The "y" dimension is the width from front to back.
168                dimension["x"],  # The "x" dimension is the width from left to right.
169                dimension["z"],
170            ),
171            translation=(
172                position["x"],  # "x" axis points to the forward facing direction of the object.
173                position["y"],  # "y" axis points to the left direction of the object.
174                position["z"],
175            ),
176            rotation=quaternion.from_rotation_vector((0, 0, box["yaw"])),
177            category=box["label"],
178            attributes=attributes,
179            instance=box["uuid"],
180        )
181        labels.append(label)
183    return labels
186def _load_sensors(calib_path: str) -> Sensors:
187    try:
188        import yaml  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
189    except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
190        raise ModuleImportError(, package_name="pyyaml") from error
192    sensors = Sensors()
194    lidar = Lidar("LIDAR")
195    lidar.set_extrinsics()
196    sensors.add(lidar)
198    with open(os.path.join(calib_path, "extrinsics.yaml"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
199        extrinsics = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
201    for camera_calibration_file in glob(os.path.join(calib_path, "[0-9]*.yaml")):
202        with open(camera_calibration_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
203            camera_calibration = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
205        # camera_calibration_file looks like:
206        # /path-to-CADC/2018_03_06/calib/00.yaml
207        camera_name = f"CAM{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(camera_calibration_file))[0]}"
208        camera = Camera(camera_name)
209        camera.description = camera_calibration["camera_name"]
211        camera.set_extrinsics(matrix=extrinsics[f"T_LIDAR_{camera_name}"])
213        camera_matrix = camera_calibration["camera_matrix"]["data"]
214        camera.set_camera_matrix(matrix=[camera_matrix[:3], camera_matrix[3:6], camera_matrix[6:9]])
216        distortion = camera_calibration["distortion_coefficients"]["data"]
217        camera.set_distortion_coefficients(**dict(zip(("k1", "k2", "p1", "p2", "k3"), distortion)))
219        sensors.add(camera)
220    return sensors

create a fusion dataset

To load a fusion dataset, we first need to create an instance of FusionDataset.(L75)

Note that after creating the fusion dataset, you need to set the is_continuous attribute of notes to True,(L76) since the frames in each fusion segment is time-continuous.

load the catalog

Same as dataset, you also need to load the catalog.(L77) The catalog file “catalog.json” is in the same directory with dataloader file.

create fusion segments

In this example, we create fusion segments by dataset.create_segment(SEGMENT_NAME).(L86) We manage the data under the subfolder(L33) of the date folder(L32) into a fusion segment and combine two folder names to form a segment name, which is to ensure that frames in each segment are continuous.

add sensors to fusion segments

After constructing the fusion segment, the sensors corresponding to different data should be added to the fusion segment.(L87)

In “CADC” , there is a need for projection, so we need not only the name for each sensor, but also the calibration parameters.

And to manage all the Sensors (L81, L183) corresponding to different data, the parameters from calibration files are extracted.

Lidar sensor only has extrinsics, here we regard the lidar as the origin of the point cloud 3D coordinate system, and set the extrinsics as defaults(L189).

To keep the projection relationship between sensors, we set the transform from the camera 3D coordinate system to the lidar 3D coordinate system as Camera extrinsics(L205).

Besides extrinsics(), Camera sensor also has intrinsics(), which are used to project 3D points to 2D pixels.

The intrinsics consist of two parts, CameraMatrix and DistortionCoefficients.(L208-L211)

add frames to segment

After adding the sensors to the fusion segments, the frames should be added into the continuous segment in order(L96).

Each frame contains the data corresponding to each sensor, and each data should be added to the frame under the key of sensor name(L147).

In fusion datasets, it is common that not all data have labels. In “CADC”, only point cloud files(Lidar data) have Box3D type of labels(L145). See this page for more details about Box3D annotation details.


The CADC dataloader above uses relative import(L16-L19). However, when you write your own dataloader you should use regular import. And when you want to contribute your own dataloader, remember to use relative import.

Visualize Dataset

Optionally, the organized dataset can be visualized by Pharos, which is a TensorBay SDK plug-in. This step can help users to check whether the dataset is correctly organized. Please see Visualization for more details.

Upload Fusion Dataset

After you finish the dataloader and organize the “CADC” into a FusionDataset instance, you can upload it to TensorBay for sharing, reuse, etc.

# fusion_dataset is the one you initialized in "Organize Fusion Dataset" section
fusion_dataset_client = gas.upload_dataset(fusion_dataset, jobs=8)
fusion_dataset_client.commit("initial commit")

Remember to execute the commit step after uploading. If needed, you can re-upload and commit again. Please see this page for more details about version control.


Commit operation can also be done on our GAS Platform.

Read Fusion Dataset

Now you can read “CADC” dataset from TensorBay.

fusion_dataset = FusionDataset("CADC", gas)

In dataset “CADC”, there are lots of FusionSegments: 2018_03_06/0001, 2018_03_07/0001, …

You can get the segment names by list them all.


You can get a segment by passing the required segment name.

fusion_segment = fusion_dataset["2018_03_06/0001"]


If the segment or fusion segment is created without given name, then its name will be “”.

In the 2018_03_06/0001 fusion segment, there are several sensors. You can get all the sensors by accessing the sensors of the FusionSegment.

sensors = fusion_segment.sensors

In each fusion segment, there are a sequence of frames. You can get one by index.

frame = fusion_segment[0]

In each frame, there are several data corresponding to different sensors. You can get each data by the corresponding sensor name.

for sensor_name in sensors.keys():
    data = frame[sensor_name]

In “CADC”, only data under Lidar has a sequence of Box3D annotations. You can get one by index.

lidar_data = frame["LIDAR"]
label_box3d = lidar_data.label.box3d[0]
category = label_box3d.category
attributes = label_box3d.attributes

There is only one label type in “CADC” dataset, which is box3d. The information stored in category is one of the category names in “categories” list of catalog.json. The information stored in attributes is some of the attributes in “attributes” list of catalog.json.

See this page for more details about the structure of Box3D.

Delete Fusion Dataset

To delete “CADC”, run the following code:
