Source code for tensorbay.client.diff

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""Class about the diff.

:class:`DiffBase` defines the basic structure of a diff.

:class:`NotesDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of notes.

:class:`CatalogDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of catalog.

:class:`FileDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of data file.

:class:`LabelDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of data label.

:class:`SensorDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of sensor.

:class:`DataDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of data.

:class:`SegmentDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of a segment.

:class:`DatasetDiff` defines the basic structure of a brief diff of a dataset.


from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, overload

from tensorbay.client.lazy import PagingList
from tensorbay.utility import (

[docs]class DiffBase(AttrsMixin, ReprMixin): """This class defines the basic structure of a diff. Attributes: action: The concrete action. """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="DiffBase") _repr_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = ("action",) action: str = attr() def __init__(self, action: str) -> None: self.action = action
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Loads a :class:`DiffBase` instance from the given contents. Arguments: contents: A dict containing all the information of the diff:: { "action": <str> } Returns: A :class:`DiffBase` instance containing all the information in the given contents. """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps all the information of the diff into a dict. Returns: A dict containing all the information of the diff:: { "action": <str> } """ return self._dumps()
[docs]class NotesDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of notes."""
[docs]class CatalogDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of catalog."""
[docs]class FileDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of data file."""
[docs]class LabelDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of data label."""
[docs]class SensorDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of sensor."""
[docs]class DataDiff(DiffBase): """This class defines the basic structure of a diff statistic. Attributes: remote_path: The remote path. action: The action of data. file: The brief diff information of the file. label: The brief diff information of the labels. """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="DataDiff") _repr_attrs = ("action", "file", "label") _repr_maxlevel = 2 remote_path: str = attr(key=camel) file: FileDiff = attr() label: LabelDiff = attr() def _repr_head(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.remote_path}")'
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Loads a :class:`DataDiff` instance from the given contents. Arguments: contents: A dict containing all the brief diff information of data:: { "remotePath": <str>, "action": <str>, "file": { "action": <str> }, "label": { "action": <str> } } Returns: A :class:`DataDiff` instance containing all the information in the given contents. """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps all the brief diff information of data into a dict. Returns: A dict containing all the brief diff information of data:: { "remotePath": <str>, "action": <str>, "file": { "action": <str> }, "label": { "action": <str> } } """ return self._dumps()
[docs]class SegmentDiff(UserSequence[DataDiff], NameMixin): """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of a segment. Arguments: name: The segment name. action: The action of a segment. """ _repr_attrs = ("action",) def __init__(self, name: str, action: str, data: PagingList[DataDiff]) -> None: super().__init__(name) self.action = action self._data = data
[docs]class DatasetDiff(Sequence[SegmentDiff], NameMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """This class defines the basic structure of a brief diff of a dataset. Arguments: name: The segment name. action: The action of a segment. """ _repr_type = ReprType.SEQUENCE def __init__(self, name: str, segments: PagingList[SegmentDiff]) -> None: super().__init__(name) self._segments: SortedNameList[SegmentDiff] = SortedNameList() for segment in segments: self._segments.add(segment) def __len__(self) -> int: return self._segments.__len__() @overload def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]) -> SegmentDiff: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[SegmentDiff]: ... def __getitem__( self, index: Union[int, str, slice] ) -> Union[Sequence[SegmentDiff], SegmentDiff]: return self._segments.__getitem__(index) def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool: return self._segments.__contains__(key)