Version Control

TensorBay supports dataset version control. There can be multiple versions in one dataset.


The basic element of TensorBay version control system is commit. Each commit of a TensorBay dataset is a read-only version. Take the VersionControlDemo Dataset as an example.


Fig. 6 The first two commits of dataset “VersionControlDemo”.


“VersionControlDemo” is an open dataset on Graviti Open Datasets platform, Please fork it before running the following demo code.

At the very beginning, there are only two commits in this dataset(Fig. 6). The code below checkouts to the first commit and check the data amount.

from tensorbay import GAS
from tensorbay.dataset import Dataset

ACCESS_KEY = "Accesskey-*****"
commits = dataset_client.list_commits()

FIRST_COMMIT_ID = "ebb1cb46b36f4a4b922a40fb01574517"
version_control_demo = Dataset("VersionControlDemo", gas, revision=FIRST_COMMIT_ID)
train_segment = version_control_demo["train"]
print(f"data amount: {len(train_segment)}.")
# data amount: 4.

As shown above, there are 4 data in the train segment.

The code below checkouts to the second commit and check the data amount.

SECOND_COMMIT_ID = "6d003af913564943a83d705ff8440298"
version_control_demo = Dataset("VersionControlDemo", gas, revision=SECOND_COMMIT_ID)
train_segment = version_control_demo["train"]
print(f"data amount: {len(train_segment)}.")
# data amount: 8.

As shown above, there are 8 data in the train segment.

See Draft and Commit for more details about commit.


So how to create a dataset with multiple commits? A commit comes from a draft, which is a concept that represents a writable workspace.

Typical steps to create a new commit:

  • Create a draft.

  • Do the modifications/update in this draft.

  • Commit this draft into a commit.

Note that the first “commit” occurred in the third step above is a verb. It means the action to turn a draft into a commit.

Figure. 7 demonstrates the relations between drafts and commits.


Fig. 7 The relations between a draft and commits.

The following code block creates a draft, adds a new segment to the “VersionControlDemo” dataset and does the commit operation.

import os
from tensorbay.dataset import Segment

TEST_IMAGES_PATH = "path/to/test_images"

dataset_client = gas.get_dataset("VersionControlDemo")

test_segment = Segment("test")

for image_name in os.listdir(TEST_IMAGES_PATH):
    data = Data(os.path.join(TEST_IMAGES_PATH, image_name))

dataset_client.upload_segment(test_segment, jobs=8)
dataset_client.commit("add test segment")

See Draft and Commit for more details about draft.


For the convenience of marking major commits and switching between different commits, TensorBay provides the tag concept. The typical usage of tag is to mark released versions of a dataset.

The tag “v1.0.0” in Fig. 6 is added by

dataset_client.create_tag("v1.0.0", revision=SECOND_COMMIT_ID)

See Tag for more details about tag.


Sometimes, users may need to create drafts upon an early (not the latest) commit. For example, in an algorithm team, each team member may do modifications/update based on different versions of the dataset. This means a commit list may turn into a commit tree.

For the convenience of maintaining a commit tree, TensorBay provides the branch concept.

Actually, the commit list (Fig. 6) above is the default branch named “main”.

The code block below creates a branch “with-label” based on the revision “v1.0.0”, and adds classification label to the “train” segment.

Figure. 8 demonstrates the two branches.


Fig. 8 The relations between branches.

from tensorbay.label import Catalog, Classification, ClassificationSubcatalog

TRAIN_IMAGES_PATH = "path/to/train/images"

catalog = Catalog()
classification_subcatalog = ClassificationSubcatalog()
catalog.classification = classification_subcatalog

dataset_client.create_branch("with-label", revision="v1.0.0")

train_segment = Segment("train")
train_segment_client = dataset_client.get_segment(

for image_name in os.listdir("path/to/train_images/"):
    data = Data(os.path.join(TRAIN_IMAGES_PATH, image_name))
    data.label.classification = Classification(image_name[:5])

dataset_client.commit("add labels to train segment")

See Branch for more details about branch.

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