
UserSequence, UserMutableSequence, UserMapping and UserMutableMapping.

UserSequence is a user-defined wrapper around sequence objects.

UserMutableSequence is a user-defined wrapper around mutable sequence objects.

UserMapping is a user-defined wrapper around mapping objects.

UserMutableMapping is a user-defined wrapper around mutable mapping objects.

class tensorbay.utility.user.UserSequence(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Sequence[tensorbay.utility.user._T], tensorbay.utility.repr.ReprMixin

UserSequence is a user-defined wrapper around sequence objects.

index(value: tensorbay.utility.user._T, start: int = 0, stop: int = 9223372036854775807) int[source]

Return the first index of the value.

  • value – The value to be found.

  • start – The start index of the subsequence.

  • stop – The end index of the subsequence.


The First index of value.

count(value: tensorbay.utility.user._T) int[source]

Return the number of occurrences of value.


value – The value to be counted the number of occurrences.


The number of occurrences of value.

class tensorbay.utility.user.UserMutableSequence(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: MutableSequence[tensorbay.utility.user._T], tensorbay.utility.user.UserSequence[tensorbay.utility.user._T]

UserMutableSequence is a user-defined wrapper around mutable sequence objects.

insert(index: int, value: tensorbay.utility.user._T) None[source]

Insert object before index.

  • index – Position of the mutable sequence.

  • value – Element to be inserted into the mutable sequence.

append(value: tensorbay.utility.user._T) None[source]

Append object to the end of the mutable sequence.


value – Element to be appended to the mutable sequence.

clear() None[source]

Remove all items from the mutable sequence.

extend(values: Iterable[tensorbay.utility.user._T]) None[source]

Extend mutable sequence by appending elements from the iterable.


values – Elements to be Extended into the mutable sequence.

reverse() None[source]

Reverse the items of the mutable sequence in place.

pop(index: int = - 1) tensorbay.utility.user._T[source]

Return the item at index (default last) and remove it from the mutable sequence.


index – Position of the mutable sequence.


Element to be removed from the mutable sequence.

remove(value: tensorbay.utility.user._T) None[source]

Remove the first occurrence of value.


value – Element to be removed from the mutable sequence.

class tensorbay.utility.user.UserMapping(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Mapping[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V], tensorbay.utility.repr.ReprMixin

UserMapping is a user-defined wrapper around mapping objects.

get(key: tensorbay.utility.user._K) Optional[tensorbay.utility.user._V][source]
get(key: tensorbay.utility.user._K, default: Union[tensorbay.utility.user._V, tensorbay.utility.user._T] = None) Union[tensorbay.utility.user._V, tensorbay.utility.user._T]

Return the value for the key if it is in the dict, else default.

  • key – The key for dict, which can be any immutable type.

  • default – The value to be returned if key is not in the dict.


The value for the key if it is in the dict, else default.

items() AbstractSet[Tuple[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V]][source]

Return a new view of the (key, value) pairs in dict.


The (key, value) pairs in dict.

keys() AbstractSet[tensorbay.utility.user._K][source]

Return a new view of the keys in dict.


The keys in dict.

values() ValuesView[tensorbay.utility.user._V][source]

Return a new view of the values in dict.


The values in dict.

class tensorbay.utility.user.UserMutableMapping(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: MutableMapping[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V], tensorbay.utility.user.UserMapping[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V]

UserMutableMapping is a user-defined wrapper around mutable mapping objects.

clear() None[source]

Remove all items from the mutable mapping object.

pop(key: tensorbay.utility.user._K) tensorbay.utility.user._V[source]
pop(key: tensorbay.utility.user._K, default: Union[tensorbay.utility.user._V, tensorbay.utility.user._T] = <object object>) Union[tensorbay.utility.user._V, tensorbay.utility.user._T]

Remove specified item and return the corresponding value.

  • key – The key for dict, which can be any immutable type.

  • default – The value to be returned if the key is not in the dict and it is given.


Value to be removed from the mutable mapping object.

popitem() Tuple[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V][source]

Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a tuple.

Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order.


A (key, value) pair as a tuple.

setdefault(key: tensorbay.utility.user._K, default: Optional[tensorbay.utility.user._V] = None) tensorbay.utility.user._V[source]

Set the value of the item with the specified key.

If the key is in the dict, return the corresponding value. If not, insert the key with a value of default and return default.

  • key – The key for dict, which can be any immutable type.

  • default – The value to be set if the key is not in the dict.


The value for key if it is in the dict, else default.

update(__m: Mapping[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V], **kwargs: tensorbay.utility.user._V) None[source]
update(__m: Iterable[Tuple[tensorbay.utility.user._K, tensorbay.utility.user._V]], **kwargs: tensorbay.utility.user._V) None
update(**kwargs: tensorbay.utility.user._V) None

Update the dict.

  • __m – A dict object, a generator object yielding a (key, value) pair or other object which has a .keys() method.

  • **kwargs – The value to be added to the mutable mapping.