Source code for tensorbay.opendataset.UAVDT.loader

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copytright 2020 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-module-docstring

import csv
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List

from ...dataset import Data, Dataset
from ...label import Box2DSubcatalog, Classification, ClassificationSubcatalog, LabeledBox2D
from .._utility import glob


_MODES = ("train", "test")



[docs]def UAVDT(path: str) -> Dataset: """Dataloader of the `UAVDT`_ Dataset. .. _UAVDT: The "score", "in-view", "occlusion" fields in MOT Groundtruth file(``*_gt.txt``) are constant, and other fields in that file are the same with such fields in DET Groundtruth file (``*_gt_whole.txt``). Therefore, they are not included in the dataloader. The Ignore Areas file(``*_gt_ignore.txt``) is useless, so they are not included in the dataloader neither. The file structure of UAVDT looks like:: <path> M_attr/ test/ M0203_attr.txt ... train/ M0101_attr.txt ... UAVDT_Benchmark_M/ M0101/ img000001.jpg ... ... UAV-benchmark-MOTD_v1.0/ GT/ M0101_gt_ignore.txt M0101_gt.txt M0101_gt_whole.txt ... Arguments: path: The root directory of the dataset. Returns: Loaded :class:`~tensorbay.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance. """ root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) dataset = Dataset(_DATASET_NAME) dataset.notes.is_continuous = True dataset.load_catalog(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "catalog.json")) for mode in _MODES: for sequence_attributes_path in glob(os.path.join(root_path, "M_attr", mode, "*.txt")): sequence = os.path.basename(sequence_attributes_path)[:5] segment = dataset.create_segment(f"{mode}-{sequence}") classification = _extract_classification( sequence_attributes_path, dataset.catalog.classification ) frame_id_box2d_map = _extract_box2d(root_path, sequence, dataset.catalog.box2d) image_paths = glob(os.path.join(root_path, "UAV-benchmark-M", sequence, "*.jpg")) for image_path in image_paths: data = Data(image_path) data.label.classification = classification # The image_name looks like `img<frame_id>.jpg`. # The frame_id is consist of six digital numbers. data.label.box2d = frame_id_box2d_map[int(os.path.basename(image_path)[3:9])] segment.append(data) return dataset
def _extract_classification( path: str, classification_catalog: ClassificationSubcatalog ) -> Classification: with open(path) as fp: attribute_names = classification_catalog.attributes.keys() csv_reader = csv.reader(fp) elements = next(csv_reader) attributes = { attribute_name: bool(int(value)) for attribute_name, value in zip(attribute_names, elements) } return Classification(attributes=attributes) def _extract_box2d( path: str, sequence: str, box2d_catalog: Box2DSubcatalog ) -> Dict[int, List[LabeledBox2D]]: attributes = box2d_catalog.attributes category_names = box2d_catalog.categories.keys() out_of_view_level = attributes["out_of_view"].enum occlusion_level = attributes["occlusion"].enum ground_truth_path = os.path.join(path, "UAV-benchmark-MOTD_v1.0", "GT") frame_id_ground_truth_map = defaultdict(list) with open(os.path.join(ground_truth_path, f"{sequence}_gt_whole.txt")) as fp: for elements in csv.DictReader(fp, fieldnames=_FIELDNAMES): box2d = LabeledBox2D.from_xywh( *(int(elements[key]) for key in _XYWH_KEYS), category=category_names[int(elements["object_category"]) - 1], attributes={ "out_of_view": out_of_view_level[int(elements["out_of_view"]) - 1], "occlusion": occlusion_level[int(elements["occlusion"]) - 1], }, instance=elements["target_id"], ) frame_id = int(elements["frame_index"]) frame_id_ground_truth_map[frame_id].append(box2d) return frame_id_ground_truth_map