Source code for tensorbay.label.label

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.


A :class:`` instance contains one or several types of labels,
all of which are stored in :attr:``.

Different label types correspond to different label classes classes.

.. table:: label classes
   :widths: auto

   ================================ ===================================
   label classes                    explaination
   ================================ ===================================
   :class:`.Classification`         classification type of label
   :class:`.LabeledBox2D`           2D bounding box type of label
   :class:`.LabeledBox3D`           3D bounding box type of label
   :class:`.LabeledPolygon`         polygon type of label
   :class:`.LabeledMultiPolygon`    polygon lists type of label
   :class:`.LabeledRLE`             rle mask type of label
   :class:`.LabeledPolyline2D`      2D polyline type of label
   :class:`.LabeledMultiPolyline2D` 2D polyline lists type of label
   :class:`.LabeledKeypoints2D`     2D keypoints type of label
   :class:`.LabeledSentence`        transcripted sentence type of label
   ================================ ===================================


from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Type, TypeVar

from ..utility import AttrsMixin, ReprMixin, ReprType, attr, common_loads, upper
from .label_box import LabeledBox2D, LabeledBox3D
from .label_classification import Classification
from .label_keypoints import LabeledKeypoints2D
from .label_mask import (
from .label_polygon import LabeledMultiPolygon, LabeledPolygon, LabeledRLE
from .label_polyline import LabeledMultiPolyline2D, LabeledPolyline2D
from .label_sentence import LabeledSentence

_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The '{attr_name}' label is not provided in this data"
_attr = partial(attr, is_dynamic=True, key=upper, error_message=_ERROR_MESSAGE)
_mask_attr = partial(_attr, dumper=lambda self: self.get_callback_body())

[docs]class Label(ReprMixin, AttrsMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """This class defines :attr:``. It contains growing types of labels referring to different tasks. Examples: >>> from tensorbay.label import Classification >>> label = Label() >>> label.classification = Classification("example_category", {"example_attribute1": "a"}) >>> label Label( (classification): Classification( (category): 'example_category', (attributes): {...} ) ) """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="Label") _repr_type = ReprType.INSTANCE _repr_maxlevel = 2 classification: Classification = _attr() box2d: List[LabeledBox2D] = _attr() box3d: List[LabeledBox3D] = _attr() polygon: List[LabeledPolygon] = _attr() polyline2d: List[LabeledPolyline2D] = _attr() multi_polyline2d: List[LabeledMultiPolyline2D] = _attr() rle: List[LabeledRLE] = _attr() keypoints2d: List[LabeledKeypoints2D] = _attr() multi_polygon: List[LabeledMultiPolygon] = _attr() sentence: List[LabeledSentence] = _attr() semantic_mask: SemanticMaskBase = _mask_attr(loader=RemoteSemanticMask.from_response_body) instance_mask: InstanceMaskBase = _mask_attr(loader=RemoteInstanceMask.from_response_body) panoptic_mask: PanopticMaskBase = _mask_attr(loader=RemotePanopticMask.from_response_body) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return any(hasattr(self, key) for key in self._attrs_fields) @property def _repr_attrs(self) -> Iterator[str]: # type: ignore[override] yield from self._attrs_fields
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Loads data from a dict containing the labels information. Arguments: contents: A dict containing the labels information. Returns: A :class:`Label` instance containing labels information from the given dict. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "CLASSIFICATION": { ... "category": "example_category", ... "attributes": {"example_attribute1": "a"} ... } ... } >>> Label.loads(contents) Label( (classification): Classification( (category): 'example_category', (attributes): {...} ) ) """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps all labels into a dict. Returns: Dumped labels dict. Examples: >>> from tensorbay.label import Classification >>> label = Label() >>> label.classification = Classification("category1", {"attribute1": "a"}) >>> label.dumps() {'CLASSIFICATION': {'category': 'category1', 'attributes': {'attribute1': 'a'}}} """ return self._dumps()