
PanopticMask is a type of label which is usually used for panoptic segmentation task.

In TensorBay, the structure of PanopticMask label is unified as follows:

    "localPath": <str>
    "info": [
            "instanceId": <int>
            "categoryId": <int>
            "attributes": {
                <key>: <value>

local_path is the storage path of the mask image. TensorBay only supports single-channel, gray-scale png images. If the number of categories exceeds 256, the color depth of this image should be 16 bits, otherwise it is 8 bits.

The gray-scale value of the pixel corresponds to the category id of the categories within the PanopticMaskSubcatalog.

Each data can only be assigned with one PanopticMask label.

To create a PanopticMask label:

>>> from tensorbay.label import PanopticMask
>>> panoptic_mask_label = PanopticMask(local_path="</panoptic_mask/mask_image.png>")
>>> panoptic_mask_label.all_category_ids = {1: 2, 2: 2}
>>> panoptic_mask_label
  (all_category_ids): {
    1: 2,
    2: 2


In PanopticMask, the key and value of all_category_ids are instance id and category id, respectively, which both should be integers.


all_attributes is a dictionary that stores attributes for each instance. Each attribute is stored in key-value pairs. See attributes for details.

To create all_attributes:

>>> panoptic_mask_label.all_attributes = {1: {"occluded": True}, 2: {"occluded": True}}
>>> panoptic_mask_label
  (all_category_ids): {
    1: 2,
    2: 2
  (all_attributes): {
    1: {
      'occluded': True
    2: {
      'occluded': True


In PanopticMask, the key of all_attributes is instance id which should be integer.


Before adding the PanopticMask labels to data, PanopticMaskSubcatalog should be defined.

PanopticMaskSubcatalog has mask categories and attributes, see mask category information and attributes information for details.

The catalog with only PanopticMask subcatalog is typically stored in a json file as follows:

    "PANOPTIC_MASK": {                                <object>*
        "description":                                <string>! -- Subcatalog description, (default: "").
        "categoryDelimiter":                          <string>  -- The delimiter in category names indicating subcategories.
                                                                   Recommended delimiter is ".". There is no "categoryDelimiter"
                                                                   field by default which means the category is of one level.
        "categories": [                                <array>* -- Category list, which contains all category information.
                "name":                               <string>* -- Category name.
                "categoryId":                        <integer>* -- Category id.
                "description":                        <string>! -- Category description, (default: "").
        "attributes": [                                <array>  -- Attribute list, which contains all attribute information.
                "name":                               <string>* -- Attribute name.
                "enum": [...],                         <array>  -- All possible options for the attribute.
                "type":                      <string or array>  -- Type of the attribute including "boolean", "integer",
                                                                   "number", "string", "array" and "null". And it is not
                                                                   required when "enum" is provided.
                "minimum":                            <number>  -- Minimum value of the attribute when type is "number".
                "maximum":                            <number>  -- Maximum value of the attribute when type is "number".
                "items": {                            <object>  -- Used only if the attribute type is "array".
                    "enum": [...],                     <array>  -- All possible options for elements in the attribute array.
                    "type":                  <string or array>  -- Type of elements in the attribute array.
                    "minimum":                        <number>  -- Minimum value of elements in the attribute array when type is
                    "maximum":                        <number>  -- Maximum value of elements in the attribute array when type is
                "parentCategories": [...],             <array>  -- Indicates the category to which the attribute belongs. Do not
                                                                   add this field if it is a global attribute.
                "description":                        <string>! -- Attribute description, (default: "").


* indicates that the field is required. ! indicates that the field has a default value.

To add a PanopticMask label to one data:

>>> from tensorbay.dataset import Data
>>> data = Data("<DATA_LOCAL_PATH>")
>>> data.label.panoptic_mask = panoptic_mask_label


One data can only have one PanopticMask label, See Data.label.panoptic_mask for details.