Source code for tensorbay.label.supports

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""Related supports for the TensorBay subcatalog."""

from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from tensorbay.label.attributes import AttributeInfo, Items, _ArgType, _EnumElementType
from tensorbay.utility import (

[docs]class CategoryInfo(NameMixin): """This class represents the information of a category, including category name and description. Arguments: name: The name of the category. description: The description of the category. Attributes: name: The name of the category. description: The description of the category. Examples: >>> CategoryInfo(name="example", description="This is an example") CategoryInfo("example") """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="CategoryInfo")
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, str]) -> _T: """Loads a CategoryInfo from a dict containing the category. Arguments: contents: A dict containing the information of the category. Returns: The loaded :class:`CategoryInfo` object. Examples: >>> contents = {"name": "example", "description": "This is an exmaple"} >>> CategoryInfo.loads(contents) CategoryInfo("example") """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Dumps the CatagoryInfo into a dict. Returns: A dict containing the information in the CategoryInfo. Examples: >>> categoryinfo = CategoryInfo(name="example", description="This is an example") >>> categoryinfo.dumps() {'name': 'example', 'description': 'This is an example'} """ return self._dumps()
[docs]class MaskCategoryInfo(CategoryInfo): """This class represents the information of a category, including name, id and description. Arguments: name: The name of the category. category_id: The id of the category. description: The description of the category. Attributes: name: The name of the category. category_id: The id of the category. description: The description of the category. Examples: >>> MaskCategoryInfo(name="example", category_id=1, description="This is an example") MaskCategoryInfo("example")( (category_id): 1 ) """ _repr_attrs = ("category_id",) category_id: int = attr(key=camel) def __init__(self, name: str, category_id: int, description: str = "") -> None: super().__init__(name, description) self.category_id = category_id
class _VisibleType(Enum): """All the possible visible types of keypoints labels.""" TERNARY = auto() BINARY = auto()
[docs]class KeypointsInfo(ReprMixin, AttrsMixin): """This class defines the structure of a set of keypoints. Arguments: number: The number of the set of keypoints. names: All the names of the keypoints. skeleton: The skeleton of the keypoints indicating which keypoint should connect with another. visible: The visible type of the keypoints, can only be 'BINARY' or 'TERNARY'. It determines the range of the :attr:`Keypoint2D.v<tensorbay.geometry.keypoint.Keypoint2D.v>`. parent_categories: The parent categories of the keypoints. description: The description of the keypoints. Attributes: number: The number of the set of keypoints. names: All the names of the keypoints. skeleton: The skeleton of the keypoints indicating which keypoint should connect with another. visible: The visible type of the keypoints, can only be 'BINARY' or 'TERNARY'. It determines the range of the :attr:`Keypoint2D.v<tensorbay.geometry.keypoint.Keypoint2D.v>`. parent_categories: The parent categories of the keypoints. description: The description of the keypoints. Examples: >>> KeypointsInfo( ... 2, ... names=["L_Shoulder", "R_Shoulder"], ... skeleton=[(0, 1)], ... visible="BINARY", ... parent_categories="people", ... description="example", ... ) KeypointsInfo( (number): 2, (names): [...], (skeleton): [...], (visible): 'BINARY', (parent_categories): [...] ) """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="KeypointsInfo") _repr_type = ReprType.INSTANCE _repr_attrs = ( "number", "names", "skeleton", "visible", "parent_categories", ) _number: int = attr(key="number") names: List[str] = attr(is_dynamic=True) skeleton: List[Tuple[int, int]] = attr(is_dynamic=True) visible: str = attr(is_dynamic=True) parent_categories: List[str] = attr(is_dynamic=True, key=camel) description: str = attr(default="") def __init__( self, number: int, *, names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, skeleton: Optional[Iterable[Iterable[int]]] = None, visible: Optional[str] = None, parent_categories: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None, description: str = "", ): self._number = number if names: self.names = list(names) if skeleton: self.skeleton: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [ tuple(line) for line in skeleton # type: ignore[misc] ] if visible: try: self.visible = _VisibleType[visible.upper()].name except KeyError as error: raise ValueError("Visible can only be 'BINARY' or 'TERNARY'") from error self.description = description if not parent_categories: return if isinstance(parent_categories, str): self.parent_categories = [parent_categories] else: self.parent_categories = list(parent_categories) def _loads(self, contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if "visible" in contents: _ = _VisibleType[contents["visible"]] super()._loads(contents)
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Loads a KeypointsInfo from a dict containing the information of the keypoints. Arguments: contents: A dict containing all the information of the set of keypoints. Returns: The loaded :class:`KeypointsInfo` object. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "number": 2, ... "names": ["L", "R"], ... "skeleton": [(0,1)], ... "visible": "TERNARY", ... "parentCategories": ["example"], ... "description": "example", ... } >>> KeypointsInfo.loads(contents) KeypointsInfo( (number): 2, (names): [...], (skeleton): [...], (visible): 'TERNARY', (parent_categories): [...] ) """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
@property def number(self) -> int: """Return the number of the keypoints. Returns: The number of the keypoints. Examples: >>> keypointsinfo = KeypointsInfo(5) >>> keypointsinfo.number 5 """ return self._number
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps all the keypoint information into a dict. Returns: A dict containing all the information of the keypoint. Examples: >>> keypointsinfo = KeypointsInfo( ... 2, ... names=["L_Shoulder", "R_Shoulder"], ... skeleton=[(0, 1)], ... visible="BINARY", ... parent_categories="people", ... description="example", ... ) >>> keypointsinfo.dumps() { 'number': 2, 'names': ['L_Shoulder', 'R_Shoulder'], 'skeleton': [(0, 1)], 'visible': 'BINARY', 'parentCategories': ['people'], 'description': 'example', } """ return self._dumps()
[docs]class IsTrackingMixin(AttrsMixin): """A mixin class supporting tracking information of a subcatalog. Arguments: is_tracking: Whether the Subcatalog contains tracking information. Attributes: is_tracking: Whether the Subcatalog contains tracking information. """ is_tracking: bool = attr(key=camel, default=False) def __init__(self, is_tracking: bool = False) -> None: self.is_tracking = is_tracking
[docs]class CategoriesMixin(AttrsMixin): """A mixin class supporting category information of a subcatalog. Attributes: categories: All the possible categories in the corresponding dataset stored in a :class:`` with the category names as keys and the :class:`~tensorbay.label.supports.CategoryInfo` as values. category_delimiter: The delimiter in category values indicating parent-child relationship. """ category_delimiter: str = attr(is_dynamic=True, key=camel) categories: NameList[CategoryInfo] = attr(is_dynamic=True)
[docs] def get_category_to_index(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Return the dict containing the conversion from category to index. Returns: A dict containing the conversion from category to index. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): return {} return {category: index for index, category in enumerate(self.categories.keys())}
[docs] def get_index_to_category(self) -> Dict[int, str]: """Return the dict containing the conversion from index to category. Returns: A dict containing the conversion from index to category. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): return {} return dict(enumerate(self.categories.keys()))
[docs] def add_category(self, name: str, description: str = "") -> None: """Add a category to the Subcatalog. Arguments: name: The name of the category. description: The description of the category. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): self.categories = NameList() self.categories.append(CategoryInfo(name, description))
[docs]class MaskCategoriesMixin(AttrsMixin): """A mixin class supporting category information of a MaskSubcatalog. Attributes: categories: All the possible categories in the corresponding dataset stored in a :class:`` with the category names as keys and the :class:`~tensorbay.label.supports.MaskCategoryInfo` as values. category_delimiter: The delimiter in category values indicating parent-child relationship. """ category_delimiter: str = attr(is_dynamic=True, key=camel) categories: NameList[MaskCategoryInfo] = attr(is_dynamic=True)
[docs] def get_category_to_index(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Return the dict containing the conversion from category name to category id. Returns: A dict containing the conversion from category name to category id. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): return {} return { item.category_id for item in self.categories}
[docs] def get_index_to_category(self) -> Dict[int, str]: """Return the dict containing the conversion from category id to category name. Returns: A dict containing the conversion from category id to category name. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): return {} return {item.category_id: for item in self.categories}
[docs] def add_category(self, name: str, category_id: int, description: str = "") -> None: """Add a category to the Subcatalog. Arguments: name: The name of the category. category_id: The id of the category. description: The description of the category. """ if not hasattr(self, "categories"): self.categories = NameList() self.categories.append(MaskCategoryInfo(name, category_id, description))
[docs]class AttributesMixin(AttrsMixin): """A mixin class supporting attribute information of a subcatalog. Attributes: attributes: All the possible attributes in the corresponding dataset stored in a :class:`` with the attribute names as keys and the :class:`~tensorbay.label.attribute.AttributeInfo` as values. """ attributes: NameList[AttributeInfo] = attr(is_dynamic=True)
[docs] def add_attribute( self, name: str, *, type_: _ArgType = "", enum: Optional[Iterable[_EnumElementType]] = None, minimum: Optional[float] = None, maximum: Optional[float] = None, items: Optional[Items] = None, parent_categories: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None, description: str = "", ) -> None: """Add an attribute to the Subcatalog. Arguments: name: The name of the attribute. type_: The type of the attribute value, could be a single type or multi-types. The type must be within the followings: - array - boolean - integer - number - string - null - instance enum: All the possible values of an enumeration attribute. minimum: The minimum value of number type attribute. maximum: The maximum value of number type attribute. items: The items inside array type attributes. parent_categories: The parent categories of the attribute. description: The description of the attributes. """ attribute_info = AttributeInfo( name, type_=type_, enum=enum, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, items=items, parent_categories=parent_categories, description=description, ) if not hasattr(self, "attributes"): self.attributes = NameList() self.attributes.append(attribute_info)