Source code for tensorbay.label.attributes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""The basic concept of the attribute."""

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from tensorbay.utility import EqMixin, NameMixin, ReprMixin, attr, attr_base, camel, common_loads

_AvailaleType = Union[list, bool, int, float, str, None]
_SingleArgType = Union[str, None, Type[_AvailaleType]]
_ArgType = Union[_SingleArgType, Iterable[_SingleArgType]]
_EnumElementType = Union[str, float, bool, None]

class _AttributeType(Enum):
    """All the possible type of the attributes."""

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    array = list
    boolean = bool
    integer = int
    number = float
    string = str
    null = None
    instance = "instance"

    def get_type_name(cls, type_: _SingleArgType) -> str:
        """Return the corresponding enumeration type name of the given string or type.

            type_: A string or type indicating the attribute type.

            The name of the :class:`_AttributeType` object corresponding to the given type_.

            ValueError: When the input type_ is not supported.

        if type_ in cls.__members__:
            return type_  # type: ignore[return-value]

            return cls(type_).name
        except ValueError as error:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid type_ values for attribute. "
                f"Only support {tuple(cls.__members__.keys())} attribute types"
            ) from error

[docs]class Items(ReprMixin, EqMixin): """The base class of :class:`AttributeInfo`, representing the items of an attribute. When the value type of an attribute is array, the :class:`AttributeInfo` would contain an 'items' field. .. todo:: The format of argument *type_* on the generated web page is incorrect. Arguments: type_: The type of the attribute value, could be a single type or multi-types. The type must be within the followings: - array - boolean - integer - number - string - null - instance enum: All the possible values of an enumeration attribute. minimum: The minimum value of number type attribute. maximum: The maximum value of number type attribute. items: The items inside array type attributes. Attributes: type: The type of the attribute value, could be a single type or multi-types. enum: All the possible values of an enumeration attribute. minimum: The minimum value of number type attribute. maximum: The maximum value of number type attribute. items: The items inside array type attributes. Raises: TypeError: When both ``enum`` and ``type_`` are absent or when ``type_`` is array and ``items`` is absent. Examples: >>> Items(type_="integer", enum=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], minimum=1, maximum=5) Items( (type): 'integer', (enum): [...], (minimum): 1, (maximum): 5 ) """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="Items") _repr_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = ("type", "enum", "minimum", "maximum", "items") def __init__( self, *, type_: _ArgType = "", enum: Optional[Iterable[_EnumElementType]] = None, minimum: Optional[float] = None, maximum: Optional[float] = None, items: Optional["Items"] = None, ): if type_ != "": self.type, has_array = self._convert_type(type_) if has_array and items: self.items = items if enum: self.enum = list(enum) if minimum is not None: self.minimum = minimum if minimum is not None: self.maximum = maximum @staticmethod def _convert_type(type_: _ArgType) -> Tuple[Union[str, List[str]], bool]: if isinstance(type_, Iterable) and not isinstance(type_, str): converted_types = [_AttributeType.get_type_name(single_type) for single_type in type_] return converted_types, "array" in converted_types converted_type = _AttributeType.get_type_name(type_) return converted_type, converted_type == "array" def _loads(self, contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if "type" in contents: self.type, has_array = self._convert_type(contents["type"]) if has_array: self.items = Items.loads(contents["items"]) if "enum" in contents: self.enum = contents["enum"] if "minimum" in contents: self.minimum = contents["minimum"] if "maximum" in contents: self.maximum = contents["maximum"]
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Load an Items from a dict containing the items information. Arguments: contents: A dict containing the information of the items. Returns: The loaded :class:`Items` object. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "type": "array", ... "enum": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ... "minimum": 1, ... "maximum": 5, ... "items": { ... "enum": [None], ... "type": "null", ... }, ... } >>> Items.loads(contents) Items( (type): 'array', (enum): [...], (minimum): 1, (maximum): 5, (items): Items(...) ) """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps the information of the items into a dict. Returns: A dict containing all the information of the items. Examples: >>> items = Items(type_="integer", enum=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], minimum=1, maximum=5) >>> items.dumps() {'type': 'integer', 'enum': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 5} """ contents: Dict[str, Any] = {} if hasattr(self, "type"): contents["type"] = self.type if hasattr(self, "items"): contents["items"] = self.items.dumps() if hasattr(self, "enum"): contents["enum"] = self.enum if hasattr(self, "minimum"): contents["minimum"] = self.minimum if hasattr(self, "maximum"): contents["maximum"] = self.maximum return contents
[docs]class AttributeInfo(NameMixin, Items): """This class represents the information of an attribute. It refers to the `Json schema`_ method to describe an attribute. .. todo:: The format of argument *type_* on the generated web page is incorrect. Arguments: name: The name of the attribute. type_: The type of the attribute value, could be a single type or multi-types. The type must be within the followings: - array - boolean - integer - number - string - null - instance enum: All the possible values of an enumeration attribute. minimum: The minimum value of number type attribute. maximum: The maximum value of number type attribute. items: The items inside array type attributes. parent_categories: The parent categories of the attribute. description: The description of the attribute. Attributes: type: The type of the attribute value, could be a single type or multi-types. enum: All the possible values of an enumeration attribute. minimum: The minimum value of number type attribute. maximum: The maximum value of number type attribute. items: The items inside array type attributes. parent_categories: The parent categories of the attribute. description: The description of the attribute. .. _Json schema: Examples: >>> from tensorbay.label import Items >>> items = Items(type_="integer", enum=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], minimum=1, maximum=5) >>> AttributeInfo( ... name="example", ... type_="array", ... enum=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ... items=items, ... minimum=1, ... maximum=5, ... parent_categories=["parent_category_of_example"], ... description="This is an example", ... ) AttributeInfo("example")( (type): 'array', (enum): [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], (minimum): 1, (maximum): 5, (items): Items( (type): 'integer', (enum): [...], (minimum): 1, (maximum): 5 ), (parent_categories): [ 'parent_category_of_example' ] ) """ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound="AttributeInfo") _repr_attrs = Items._repr_attrs + ("parent_categories",) _repr_maxlevel = 2 _attrs_base: Items = attr_base(key=None) parent_categories: List[str] = attr(is_dynamic=True, key=camel) def __init__( self, name: str, *, type_: _ArgType = "", enum: Optional[Iterable[_EnumElementType]] = None, minimum: Optional[float] = None, maximum: Optional[float] = None, items: Optional[Items] = None, parent_categories: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None, description: str = "", ): NameMixin.__init__(self, name, description) Items.__init__(self, type_=type_, enum=enum, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, items=items) if not parent_categories: return if isinstance(parent_categories, str): self.parent_categories = [parent_categories] else: self.parent_categories = list(parent_categories)
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls: Type[_T], contents: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Load an AttributeInfo from a dict containing the attribute information. Arguments: contents: A dict containing the information of the attribute. Returns: The loaded :class:`AttributeInfo` object. Examples: >>> contents = { ... "name": "example", ... "type": "array", ... "items": {"type": "boolean"}, ... "description": "This is an example", ... "parentCategories": ["parent_category_of_example"], ... } >>> AttributeInfo.loads(contents) AttributeInfo("example")( (type): 'array', (items): Items( (type): 'boolean', ), (parent_categories): [ 'parent_category_of_example' ] ) """ return common_loads(cls, contents)
[docs] def dumps(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dumps the information of this attribute into a dict. Returns: A dict containing all the information of this attribute. Examples: >>> from tensorbay.label import Items >>> items = Items(type_="integer", minimum=1, maximum=5) >>> attributeinfo = AttributeInfo( ... name="example", ... type_="array", ... items=items, ... parent_categories=["parent_category_of_example"], ... description="This is an example", ... ) >>> attributeinfo.dumps() { 'name': 'example', 'description': 'This is an example', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 5}, 'parentCategories': ['parent_category_of_example'], } """ return self._dumps()